There’s something really neat about taking pictures of people when they’re not posing for a camera. They’re in their natural state. No acting. No faking a smile. We typically try to put on a show for those around us, so when are we truly being ourselves? Probably very rarely.
I enjoy capturing natural states. Shots of people who are completely sucked in to their own train of thought and are oblivious to the world around them. I could put in my own thought bubbles and imagine what they must be thinking. I remember sitting on the steps of FAO Schwartz in NYC when I was a kid and make up stories of people with my friend as they would walk by us. I’d give them different voices and make up short dialogues, and giggle to myself as I search for my next victim.
I find that some of the most interesting people in the world are in New York. People from all corners of the world somehow end in New York, and they’re not afraid to let their personalities shine. During my New York trip in 2012, I used my 75-200mm lens to capture those interesting people. Some were taken discreetly, and some, well, I made it quite obvious. And just like old time’s sake, I’ve decided to give them a story. Here are some of my favorites.

People and their different backgrounds/stories – so fascinating!